Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Tiny Toes

Some of my favorite memories of being a child involved camping with my family!  We have some fun, even hilarious stories involving certain mishaps that took place.  My parents were avid campers, hauling us around Canada with determination that they could explore with three girls.  It was the 60's and 70's.  Grab a tent, camping supplies, summer clothing, a camera and away we went!  No automatic alt text available.No automatic alt text available.

My first camping adventure was in the summer of 1963.  I was born in March and it was July.  The family pitched a tent on Bowsley Island (aka:  Bowsoleil Island) and explored with our little family.  The story was told by my Mom who was good at story telling.  She used inflections in her voice which was entertaining and provided sidebar details that added to the enjoyment.

Photo credit:

"It was a sunny day and we had been swimming.  Given that it was warm out, I put the baby (Jullia) in the bassinette.  The baby had a pretzel and I was busy tidying up and getting ready for dinner.  The baby had fallen asleep so things were relatively quiet.  The older two girls were colouring at the picnic table.  It was a beautiful day.  I wanted to sit and read in the sunshine.  Our campsite was perfect with a few trees, rocks coming out of the ground and a good flat spot to have our tent.  I went to peek at the baby before settling down with my book for the first time since we left on our trip and to my horror a rattlesnake had slithered into the bassinet with the baby!  Being that we were in southern Georgian Bay area, we had known we were in their habitat... but this!  I called for my husband to come quickly.  He chose a large stick and nudged the bassinet.  We didn't want to shock the baby awake or the snake and have it bite.  A bite could be fatal.  You can imagine me going out of my mind and screaming in my head!  Here is my 4 month old baby with a rattlesnake!!  

Just as quietly as the snake entered the bassinette, it left.  I was so thankful and had been holding my breathe that entire time!  I went and grabbed the baby up and held her in my arms.  She was breathing perfectly.  I let out some of the air in my lungs.  Slowly relaxing.  I checked her all over for a bite but she went unharmed.  Heavy sigh of relief!  Can you imagine the pounding at my temples?  I am sure that I had an adrenaline rush!  Fight or Flight and I could do neither!  We had to calmly and slowly move, forcing ourselves not to panic.  Whew!  That was a close one!  After that, the bassinette was on the picnic table!  And to think she remained asleep throughout the entire ordeal!  That was the first of many adventures while we went camping as a family"
As a kid, I pictured this massive snake (like an anaconda or something like that) coiling around a wee baby in a basket.  I suppose I even thought of the basket as a woven one out of the reeds kind of like they taught us in Sunday School that Moses was in as a baby.  I had an excellent imagination and am certain that I am a visual learner!  I suppose that it was my mother who taught me that she knew and wanted me to know that God was always with me.  Given that situation, she learned that no matter how bad a situation can appear to us, God is there.  

Deuteronomy 31:6  (New International Version (NIV)
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Another passage in the bible is found in the New Testament, in Matt 28:20
New International Version (NIV)
20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

So, the moral of this story?  When confronted with situations in life that seem impossible...know that the Lord is with you  "... to the very end of the age!"

In life there are situations which challenge us.  Some of us seem to have murphy's law happening 'if it can go wrong, it will go wrong'.  For those of us who are challenged by life need to remember these promises that God has for us.  

Questions for you (to ask yourself/or/to comment on in response to this blog):
1.  After reading these two verses, do you believe in these promises that God is always with us to the very end of age?
2.  Try to think to a time where there was a challenge for you.  It doesn't have to be as dramatic as a poisonous snake in with the baby...but it may have left you feeling vulnerable, anxious and rattled [pun intended].  Think on that situation.  Remember the details and even write them out for yourself, then add in the fact that Jesus promises that he will be there always.  
3.  Re-write the same situation in your mind.  Where were you at risk?  How was it that God may have helped?  Knowing that he is there, will that change your view in the future?

Thanks so much for reading this blog.
It's a blog about life in the faith lane.  Being a North American woman, a Canadian, a daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, employee, dog-lover, explorer and Christian, I've experienced lots!  People often say I should write a book.  Well, at the moment, a blog is sufficient.  It is my hope that this blog will help others in their life roles, their faith and their approach.

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Tiny Toes

Some of my favorite memories of being a child involved camping with my family!  We have some fun, even hilarious stories involving certain ...